
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Heroes Of Newerth 1

Eventually I will talk about strategy and debate HoN versus DotA, but today, I complain about Chronos:

The creators of HoN had the GOLDEN opportunity to filter which heroes would transition from DotA to HoN. They took on the responsibility of further balancing one of the most change-sensitive games in history. And they decided to include Faceless Void. WHY!?

This hero virtually guarantees that his team will win if the game proceeds long enough. Here are the reasons:

1) His first ability, TIME LEAP, is broken. This is because it takes BLINK (arguably the best all-around ability in the game, and the reason why Portal Key should be removed or limited to certain heroes), and adds DAMAGE and SLOW. So he has improved BLINK.

2) His second ability, BACKTRACK, is broken. This is because it takes EVASION (one of the better defensive abilities in the game) and allows it to work for spell damage. So, he has improved EVASION.

3) His third ability, TIME FREEZE, is broken. This is because it takes BASH (arguably the best attack modifier in the game) and puts it on a 5-hit timer which allows you to set up first-hit guaranteed bashes. So, he has improved BASH. At least they nerfed the 20/40/60/80 Magic Damage to 15/30/45/60 Physical Damage in Patch 1.0.9 and removed the 1/2/3/4 Agility Steal in Patch 1.0.11.

4) His ultimate ability, CHRONOFIELD, is a global STUN. It effectively allows him to take out the opposing hero of his choice at the beginning of team fights. It has limitless utility and infuriating power. It is broken.

With these abilities, he has no need to worry about specific items, so he can focus entirely on survivability and increased attack speed. If he is played in an EASY MODE game, he can farm neutral creeps at his leisure, enter fights at 20 minutes, and end the game in 10. In addition, he is so easy to use that anyone can pick him up and instantly break the game. You simply right click on people!



  1. Now you lost me.
    You know what? I don't care, and I love it. :)
    Nah really, this is outside my game sphere, but you seem pretty passionate about it.
    I do hate lop-sided game mechanics though.

  2. Wow, I didn't know they had a character like that in HoN. I think I'll stick to card gaming.

  3. hon, great game, I played it until it was free (beta)

  4. I have no idea what this game is, but you know a lot about it!1111!!

  5. this is one of my more favorite blog posts from you :)

  6. game can get pretty intense sometime, tuff

  7. Aw how cute, you actually have faith in S2 Games balancing people.

  8. Im slightly confused. But makes the game sounds easy haha. Im down for right click kills. lol

  9. What would you say the advantages are of HoN over LoL? I'm curious as to whether it's worth dropping the cash for the game.

  10. I haven't played in awhile but unless they've buffed Chronos, he's definitely not broken!

  11. Oh man, I totally remember the days of DoTA. So much rage. It was ridiculous

  12. This is why i tend to play LoL now. I dont think that i have come across a hero in LoL that is OP really.

  13. Hmm, I keep hearing mention of LoL. I'm gonna swap onto my PC and download it I think. I could never micro well enough to excel at DoTA or HoN.

  14. so what is your opinion on LoL as opposed to HoN? i play lol now but wanted to try hon out

  15. Really? A zombie flash mob? Thats awesome!

  16. hon and faceless void ftl


    add me back

  17. lol dont be a hater, faceless void is epic :D

  18. i just started playing LoL and might start HoN

  19. I play LoL regularly, the few times I played HoN during it's beta I raged so much when I went up against Scouts on the other team :/
